Aggressive driving is a common term used to describe road rage. This happens when a driver loses control of their anger and takes action against another driver. Road rage is a contributing factor in half of all accidents that result in fatalities, according to statistics.
Even worse, some angry drivers with guns in their vehicles go as far as to use it to murder another driver.
What fuels road rage?
When drivers grow angry, being late is one of the main causes of their fury. They will quickly become enraged by any automobile that impedes their path or slows them down. Drivers who are consumed with rage often dehumanize other drivers by viewing them as nothing more than obstacles in the road.
Drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol are another factor contributing to the rise in incidences of road rage. By getting behind the wheel, these drivers have already made a bad choice. Anything that stresses them out while they’re driving will inevitably make them more irate and lead to an accident.
What should I do if an aggressive driver injures me?
Do not confront the motorist if their aggressive driving results in an accident involving you. Call 911 and pull your car over to the side of the road if safe to do so. Permit the paramedics to examine you for injuries and take you to the hospital if required when assistance comes. Then, seek assistance from someone who can help you with your case. You may be entitled to damages and reimbursement for your injuries if an aggressive driver caused you harm.